Wednesday, February 12


The cannabis plant belongs to the Cannabaceae family; Three species belong to the Cannabis genus: Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis. According to some, the Indica and Ruderalis varieties are subspecies of the Sativa, while according to others, they are actually three distinct species.

The plant of the Sativa species (= useful) originates in Central Asia, but also in Central American countries such as Mexico, Peru and tropical areas; it needs very warm climates and needs a lot of time and lots of light to flower. The Sativa plant is the variety that leaves the most energizing effects, with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties. Contains more THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) than CBD (cannabidiol). THC is the psychoactive fraction of cannabis and CBD is the non-psychoactive fraction used as a medicine. As a result, Sativa increases the serotonin produced by the brain, with influences on concentration and creativity. Known for its fibers, it is widely used in agriculture and in the textile industry vegan CBD gummies.       

The plant of the Indica species (= Indian) has origins in the Indian subcontinent (Nepal, Tibet, northern India); it can also grow in less hot (but not cold!) climates, has a fast flowering and a higher yield with denser buds. The Indica species contains more CBD in fact it increases mental and muscular relaxation, thanks to the stimulation of the brain in the production of dopamine.


The plant of the Ruderalis (=ruderale) species is native to Russia and Siberia: small, robust and woody plant, it is a wild species naturally low in THC (1,2) and is used in crossings to increase the robustness of the plants of other species. These are the main strains of Cannabis, from which crossings are studied and from which multitudes of varieties have been born with different characteristics and adapted to market needs Vegan CBD Gummies.


On 24 January, after a long scientific research on the therapeutic uses and on the possible damages and dangers deriving from the use of cannabis, the World Health Organization (WHO) sent the UN and the CND (Commission on Narcotics Drug ) its recommendation that cannabis be removed from Table IV of the 1961 Convention on Drugs, reserved for substances considered to be more dangerous such as heroin and cocaine and of extremely low medical or therapeutic value, and that the active ingredient of THC be removed from the Convention 1971, and reclassified to Schedule I of the 1961.